設計概念 Design Concept
呼應企業商標的圓潤造型、以及提供女性客群為主的醫美服務,簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 於多處立面、天壁匯入流線、圓弧設計,象徵女子優雅的身體曲線,並將業者「以人工美呈現自然美」的理念作為設計核心,藉由同是人為的室內裝修展現天成美感,全案鋪敘木質、大理石與仿混凝土質感的特殊塗料,輔以入口旁植栽區、走廊末端引入的天光,挹來置身戶外般的純淨自然氣息,間或點綴布藝、鍍鈦鐵件等人造材質,堆疊細處層次感同時,完美呈遞融匯品牌概念的醫療場所。
Walk along the rustic textured wall and turn by the curved corner, and you may see refreshing greenery bringing an organic feel into the space. Pleasant lighting spills upon the walls and glows the pristine corridor with a warm wood tone and delicate marble. The clear, soft style contributes to a calming accommodation, inviting bright sunshine from the end.
The clinic provides aesthetic medicine services to female target clients, echoing the brand image by the logo in a round shape. INK DESIGN SPACE's presiding designer Kathy Chien adopted curves and rounded shapes to signify elegant women's body shapes. Besides, they developed the design based on the clinic's brand concept- “artificial beauty complements natural beauty.” Similarly, the interior decorations contribute to shaping a natural character. The project incorporates natural materials such as timber, marble, and concrete textures made from decorative paint coordinated with artificial fabric and metallic elements, adjoined green plants, and natural light. Exquisitely, comprehensive layering approaches reveal a perfect branding medical practice.
設計手法 Design Techniques
細劃場域 顧及隱私
Meticulous Floor Plans Preserve Privacy
Concerning the facilitation of medical care, the designer planned three sections based on functional requirements. The front section is a public space, including reception and waiting areas. In the waiting area, curtains between the seats provide privacy for the clients. The consultation and examination rooms in the middle serve as a linking section, forming an exclusive, unimpeded flow. The layout of entering from the door beside the window and leaving by the door behind the reception counter ensures the tranquility and privacy of the rear treatment and recovery rooms.
匠心獨運 環保健康
Inventive Ideas & Eco-friendly Manners
A magnetic wall lined with decorative paint in the waiting area allows different slogans to be displayed, avoiding additional work and waste. Besides, eco-friendly building materials developed by the design team are adopted in the sanitized operation room and laboratory, eliminating VOCs and bacteria growth. As a result, they accomplished a healthy and non-toxic space.
全面服務 完善所需
Considering Services & Perfect Satisfaction
Regarding the long-term and complicated procedures for opening practice, the designer shortened the construction duration by managing various works and projects in the meantime. It is an effective service that favors rental abatement under construction. Additionally, sizeable indirect lighting matches pristine textured materials, rendering a balmy and homelike feel to the clients. All visitors can relish in the unstrained atmosphere the business owner aspires to.
Main Entrance
Set up an artistic feature wall on the right of the door incorporating the clinic's logo. At the end of the corridor, indirect lighting behind the circular shape decoration features a full moon that shimmers and signifies the softness of femininity.
Reception Counter & Waiting Area
The waiting area presents an unfinished texture in a grayish plaster tone via the same decorative paint as the entrance. In addition, the wood-textured walls and floors and the slate reception counter and coffee tables reveal a cozy and natural atmosphere.
Consultation & Examination Room
Two chambers with individual doors implement a convenient traffic design of no return. After consultations, the clients can move directly to the waiting area or the operation room.
Recovery Room
The indirect lighting surrounding the walls renders a comfortable resting space. Moreover, install a few downlights on the ceiling to provide ample illumination for the doctors inspecting and giving injections.
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